We Increase Safety, Restore Hope and 
Help Save Lives using Self-Care Strategies 
for Wellness

What we do

Choosing Safety is a faith-based organization dedicated to amplifying hope for healthcare staff, workers and professionals from all walks of life, who are battling brokenness, depression, anxiety and suicide. By raising awareness and providing access to training, resources, and prayer, we inspire hope, reduce stigma and help prevent suicide. Recovery is possible and help is available

We care

Choosing Safety will provide the tools & resources needed to improve your internal coping and resilience through self-care.

we promote connectedness

Whether through our social media platforms, or online courses, Choosing Safety believes that having a support network is key for anyone battling mental illness..

we maximize confidence 

Choosing Safety is devoted to helping healthcare professionals to see the importance of life and teach them to understand their self-worth and value in the eyes of God.

we inspire hope

We contribute to suicide prevention by increasing hope, We also help distressed healthcare workers to seek help and support during challenging times.

we affirm life 

We increase safety from suicide by supporting purposeful living. and facilitating pathways to help.

we increase safety 

We promote resilience and help you explore how physical, mental, and emotional well-being can be enriched from a biblical perspective

Why Choose us

One in four people will be affected by a mental health challenge at some point in their lives, yet the stigma surrounding these experiences often prevents faith communities from responding compassionately and effectively. We offer training and resource designed to reduce stigma, raise awareness, and engage communities in meaningful conversations about mental health and faith. 

Our Services

We offer online courses, workbooks and
e-Guides, for healthcare workers to increase mental fitness through the application of social connectedness and self-care strategies and techniques.  


We offer bite-sized digital courses to help healthcare workers overcome depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. 


We provide eGuides on  actionable strategies for  emotional wellness for healthcare workers


We empower you with resources to help save lives and reduce suicidal behaviour


Get your FREE copy of the eBook 'Five Self-Care Hacks to Implement Now' This FREE guide will teach you tactics that you can apply today to add simple self-care practices to your daily routine . You will learn how to greatly strengthen your health and well-being and how to prevent your Self-care taking a backseat to work, family, and other obligations